Visit my waxing archives to read articles on my waxing tips and techniques at Theresa’s Face and Body.

Manscape Like a Celebrity

Jake Gyllenhall, Tom Cruise, & David Beckham Regularly incorporate manscaping/shaving into their daily routines. Here are some tips to getting that sexy groomed celebrity look at home. What is manscaping? The art of shaving men’s body hair. Men have hair the way women have curves, a sprinkling of body hair is attractive, but having superfluous…

Manscaping: The Bare Facts

Men’s Grooming & Hair Removal Services With the array of services available for hair removal in Cape Coral, there is no reason for men not to stay well-groomed.  At Theresa’s Face and Body, we have noticed that one in three of our clients are manscaping areas such as their face, neck, back, legs or nether regions. According…